
Each day we evaluate our own performance, that of our company and our employees. We quickly seek to adapt to market needs, to anticipate crop behavior, and we live bravely to overcome obstacles, the bureaucratic jungle, and taxes. We need to always be remembered by consumers, producing with efficiency, quality and competitive prices.
RUIVO CONSULTORIA is prepared to contribute to the design and operations of seafood plants.



Fish farming in Brazil has grown year after year, establishing itself as a natural and strategic vocation in food production. In 2020, production reached 802,930 tons and sales of US$1,4 billion. Large cooperatives and business groups are participating, even though we have thousands of producers spread across the country. Shrimp farming is also still going strong and has found space for consumption among Brazilians for years.


We are already the fourth largest producer of tilapia in the world, we are exporting growing volumes and gaining more and more representation in the consumer market. We have fingerlings of good genetic quality, specific feed, companies that produce excellent equipment for industrialization, freezing, data collection and transmission, devices for multiparameter analysis of water, specialists in nutrition – management – disease control – laboratories, statistical data, price & market information, … in short, a positive scenario. It is the fastest growing animal protein sector in the world.
Even so, there are challenges and RUIVO CONSULTORIA can contribute to the solutions.

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